High School Soccer

I have the opportunity as my daughter gets older, and continues to play soccer, to shoot the sport with an ever increasing caliber of player. This provides me with more challenges and more rewards. While not overly dynamic or action packed, this recent shot is one of my favourite because of its simplicity.

Cyclocross Season is here!

One of my other hobbies is Cycling, and the fall brings with it the Cyclocross season. This sport originated in Europe (Belgium I believe) as a way for road cyclists to train in the off season. The easiest way to explain it is like 'light' mountain biking on road bikes with knobby tires. (an over simplification, I know). Cyclists ride laps over a variety of terrain, gravel, grass, pavement, mud, sand, etc and may have to dismount and carry their bikes over obstacles like stairs. I usually participate, but the first informal event of the season, had me using my camera instead of my bike.

TNB - New Space and new Season!

Theatre New Brunswick has redesigned some of their space at there office on Whiting Road, and made it into a stellar 'black box' theatre! Their first show of the season was there at the beginning of September - You Play Beautifully. I had the opportunity to work a little differently this time, by shooting specific staged photos instead of the dress rehearsal. It was great!

TNB - The Drowsy Chaperone

What a great show! Ton's of laughs and a great performance once again. Hat's off to the TNB Theatre School Senior Musical Theatre group. It was a pleasure photographing the dress rehearsal.


I just wanted to share a great (and ongoing) series of interviews by my best friend Adam Pal. Please take the time to listen to (at least) a few of the conversations - truly informative and entertaining (and family friendly).

"WELCOME to (PAL)m-cast NETWORK  : m is for Mmmm or multi media. I'm always learning , now with the social media I'm finding my reach using
A SHOW LIKE " LIVE FROM MY BEDROOM: ON THE ROAD"  (LFMB:On Locaation) as my Anchor (June 2014 - Nov 2014) proved through social medias' programs allowed a tweeking for reach and documentation.
A NETWORK  of Family Friendly, in the PALM of your hand, is an audio experience, located online and broadcasting through networks, promoting with a helping attitude, a FLY on the wall-style and open to all points of view. Offering a feeling of “being in” on my conversations of BEHIND the scenes.
SOCIAL MEDIA - Using interactive social media.  Emails, website and increase links to other sharing and a internet call to friends, friends of friends, interested parties, family and all welcome for listener-ship and sharing working technology."

Busy with TNB! Photos from Beaverbrook.

TNB's latest production was a 'workshop' at the Black Box Theatre at STU. There were some familiar faces on stage - and of course another great performance which captivated and informed the audience.

TNB YoCo - The Eighth Fire

Another fantastic TNB young Company show, this time with an Aboriginal theme. A captivating story, certainly identifiable to youth, and great costumes and set to top it all off. A pleasure to photograph.